

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Day 1!

Hello Minecraft Friends!

So my name is Feathers and i have just got minecraft pc although i have played it many of times on my PS3, pc it SO different. So i am a total beginner. i have also decided to make a mine craft diary. well...this can go good or it could go bad. :/ so here we go!

Day 1
 Well i've loaded up the world and whoa! how many sleep can you get? :o literally loadddds. i'm not saying its a bad thing  because i get so scared at night when the monsters come out. i know call me a wimp... anyway lets punch some trees :p
Right i have punched loads of trees and made an axe, pickaxe and a sword (all wood) unfortunately time to kill some sheep i need a bed for tonight! I've killed three sheep :( sorry...  problem...i have no food source. ummmm.. i have about 5 apples but will that do? hopefully. oops gotten through almost no progress and the suns going down. time to bring out plan B. dig a 4x4 hoe, put a bed in and then close the hole off.
Next (minecraft) morning
well i survived a night c: now to build a house. i have chosen a spot by some trees and a lake. pretty! wont tell you the hole process of the house I'll just put up a picture. now Ive decided to make use of all these sheep by dying them pink! :) so that's a carpet done :) Now time for a mining trip, i think.
i have found a cave not to far from home and have made a bunch of stone tools. now to enter the cave XD scared but excited :p. i've been in the cave for a bit now and have a hole bunch of coal. oh and i found some pigs before i got to the cave so i think my next meal is going to be pork chops!Yum thats a change from apples ;) 
in the cave now and have almost died from a skeleton i couldn't see and have also made loads more torches ( i only had 12) 
WHOA! just fell down a drop aha half a heart left :p but its so pretty its got like pink mist around it awhhh pwettttty! there is literally loads here :) the only bad thing is lava and monsters :/
im back home now and i've almost died about a thousand times aha. i have got 24 lapis 4 gold loads of iron and beacsue i didnt have a lot of time i didnt find any diamonds however ive remembered where the cave is so i can go there again.
Ive got iron booties :p 
~ Feathers xox

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